If you are thinking of, it's definitely connected to diet for weight loss counting calories, limiting portion sizes, and a hard necessity endure the feeling of hunger, we are pleased you happy: ketojenik diet is gaining popularity in recent years, running a completely different principle. This activity to get rid of excess fat have been scientifically proven and validated in countless instances.

Firstly you need to know keto diet, low carb. In other words, he envisions a radical reduction in carbohydrate diet. Maybe a question arises: but give up carbs? Is an energy source for the body because it's important!
The thing is, the human body is much more we can imagine. We buy a number of compensatory mechanisms of evolution for millions of years, providing us life in the presence under the most difficult conditions. Eat provides our body the energy to get even with him for such a mechanism have virtually no carbohydrates. Only the body break down fat instead of carbs active use as an alternative energy source. So the keto diet works, and it can really help – get rid of extra pounds deprive yourself of carbohydrates, excess fat to transform your body the energy to cry.
What is ketosis?
Ketosis is a metabolic condition that resides within the human body and this natural procedure by following a keto diet. When the human body goes into a state of ketosis carbohydrate deficit, is that which is the essence of an organism as "passes" fat – that is, to use them, basically it is an energy source. Fat in numerous words breaks with the formation of ketone bodies (ketone). This alternative energy source ketones ketosis and services able to people.
Extract keto diet
In fact, our bodies uses it constantly to maintain and ketone functions in certain organs, especially heart and kidney. But your brain and your muscles glucose for energy, i.e. carbohydrate. Therefore, the usual diet is broken down in the body a relatively small amount of oil. Task Change Diet Keto your metabolism, the body's energy and thus began to take, mainly using ketone bodies. The possible lack of carbohydrates the body activating the process of splitting, oil, will lead inevitably to get rid of excess fat.

How the body turns to fat for energy
When you deplete the glycogen reserves begin to experience lack of carbohydrates begins in the cells of the body. Fat and protein for energy conversion mechanism opens at the same time. Organism enters a state of ketosis carbohydrate hunger for about three days. Let's take a closer look, it takes energy to the body in this case.
The receiver in the stock body, then a member state of ketosis glycogen. Process of splitting fats into fatty acids and glycerin disintegrate the liver to the circuit. The next process which is called ketogenesis this: three kinds of fatty acids are broken down into ketone bodies by:
- acetoacetate;
- beta-hidroksibutrik acid;
- acetone.
These substances the body uses glucose for energy and instead to obtain. However, it should be noted that it's not possible to provide ketone body, ketosis, to meet the energy needs of the whole body. The whole point of some organs and tissue just humble assimilated ketones, because of the cell properties due to their structure, the necessary enzymes. For example, the liver producing ketone bodies, glucose itself has the ability to ketones for energy to get its functioning is still required. Therefore, the body completely possible, even without ketosis glucose.
During normal use, the power body's glucose and carbohydrates. But is it possible ketosis carbohydrates, from food becomes insufficient. In this situation, where the organs of the body will get glucose for power, not absorb talented, ketones? Okay, so carbohydrates create glucose, without that there is a mechanism to do this. Possible active called ketosis, a process gluconeogenesis. In the process, including gluconeogenesis, mainly protein and glycerine (end of the process of splitting oil).
Now we answer the question, why a keto diet should include enough protein: the body needs glucose to achieve them, she now does not receive food. But what happens, is enough protein in your diet? A good thing – protein will be "taken" in Nov, Dec and then the keto diet will be caused by mass loss.

Any diet ketojenik
Consumption imply a large amount of a keto diet-fat, moderate – protein, high-and low – carb.
In most cases, it is advised to minimize the intake of carbohydrates to 50 g / day. Is there any official recommended a keto diet. However, a few schemes are generally accepted, proven among dietitians.
It is possible to induce a state of ketosis in a variety of ways so that various keto diets. But all of them combined general principle – a low carbohydrate intake and high fat content diet. Below we will describe the Four Most Common Application option keto diet.
Standard keto diet (SKD)
After that we'll get this option from the diet. Standard keto diet a carbohydrate diet reduced the proportion of 5-10%. This ratio of protein, 20% fat – %and 70-75% of the diet.
The result is an ideal diet in terms of grams:
- 20-50 grams of carbohydrates;
- 40-60 grams of protein;
- fat without restriction.
The amount of oil consumed is determined by individual needs each person for their energy.
Standard keto diet allows to get rid of excess fat, stabilize blood sugar levels and positive effects in a case of heart.
Sometimes, amenities in sub-standard referred to as the keto diet, "the ketogenic diet is very low carb", IMA, reduction carbohydrates, diet and 4%.
Circular ketojenik diet
It is also called "Restore carbs diet". Characterized by the presence of a day that a person uses, the more carbs. For example, 5 days keto 2 day diet standard diet and high carbs. Athletes such diet is usually the application, when necessary, replenish glycogen stores, expendable during intense exercise.
Target ketojenik diet
This option, diet, the reconciliation between standard and cyclical keto diet. Uglevodosoderzhaschie IMA use that food, just before or after sports training. The idea is, what carbohydrates are expended during physical activity is much faster, therefore, the exercise of such a power makes it more effective and leads to the exit a state of ketosis.
The ketogenic diet high-protein
Keto diet water your daily diet food items to income ratio is such an option:
- protein – 35%;
- oils 60%;
- carbohydrate – 5%.
High protein Keto diet people applied, challenging difficulty, Salvation, excess fat.
What kind of diet is Eto, so far, no reliable scientific data which provides health harm's warranty if it is true, for a long time (over a year).

A feeling of fullness
We used to detect a specific food regimen such as a diet that is strictly limited to eat a serving of most days, and to endure hunger. But the keto diet and was more intense, requires to limit the amount that person can cause. Ultimately, the process of losing weight a ketogenic diet is not associated with a reduction in the amount of calories consumed to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates and such as dying. In other words, you don't have to limit yourself to endure hunger and parts. The whole issue of the composition of a correct diet: lose weight just by eating uglevodosoderzhaschie lifting products, protein and fats in the right proportions.
Effective slimming
Spread by doctors and dieticians about previously between vision systems, power, high-fat, unhealthy, why obesity and other pathologies. However, some studies conducted on animals showed that high fat consumption and obesity between cause-and-effect relationship, there is no. Full-or vice versa – a low carb diet, high-fat diet Why Weight Loss. In addition, studies of low-carbohydrate diets, compared with izlozhenie significantly in a more efficient way to get rid of excess fat. You can find the article at the end of the connection material.
Improved memory and cognitive functions
Research of keto diet improve memory and brain functions generally. In addition, the studies keto diet relieves the symptoms of migraine.
Improvement in various diseases
Human development indicators in different studies that showed keto diet diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, acne, cancer, diseases, and metabolic disorders.
The treatment of epilepsy
Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recommended still starving people with epilepsy. In the 20s of the last century as an alternative to keto diet hunger been proposed to reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures.

Though this drug .. etc many new generation anticonvulsants on a regular basis, every three patients epilepsy remains immune pharmaceuticals, etc treatment. Such resistant epilepsy. For some patients, therefore alternative methods of treatment, including the ketogenic diet. Especially considering the latest scientific wins, even the neurological status relationship with the intestinal microflora. According to observations, the ketogenic diet reduces seizure frequency allow to reduce, doses, etc.
How to tell if you have entered ketosis
Well, what is ketosis and why we lined to lose this weight that helps. But as a person, keto diet go ahead, learn, he really he went into a state of ketosis? Very simple – a set of prints and familiarize yourself with the methods below:
What is the most reliable indicator of ketosis in the case of the body – this is a particular view of halitosis. Sometimes this is a similar fruit smell, but it's actually acetone. The thing is, in the process of splitting of fat in the liver with the formation of ketone bodies in the blood level rises, acetone, is excreted with urine and respiratory secretions from a body.
Fun fact! Due to the characteristics, metabolism in the body when depositing the instrument of acetone, ketosis and respiratory alcohol test possible false positive results could be achieved by a person.
People, a proper keto diet inevitably encounter this problem often with the decision gum, sugar-free, or toothpaste. If you decide to use, gum or other foods to eliminate halitosis, make sure they contain carbohydrates, otherwise this can cause a state of ketosis and blood sugar output.
Reduction of body weight
Quickly ketosis weight you'll start body condition during migration. But don't be fooled – this is because of a loss body fat. Because the transition state of ketosis the body loses a lot of fluid and enhanced glycogen stores – so it's a quick body weight reduction. Then, weight loss will occur seamlessly and actually more body fat is burned.

Eto safe diet?
Scholars ' opinions were divided on the keto diet around security – some argue, this is quite natural to the human body, and anything you can bring, it works. The fact is that other attention, at least that helps to get rid of excess fat, the effect of long term ketosis on the human body are not yet adequately investigated, trust and security, it can't be a keto diet.
Therefore, unfortunately, the answer to a scientific question is clear and "Safe diet Eto?" - no. Therefore, each have to decide – it's not the power or the risk of this kind of application.
The truth is, salvation, which is the keto diet may be for a category of people – for example, for people with a high degree of obesity, the metabolic syndrome and persons. Tremendous damage and obesity itself brings and, in fact, dangerous for your life. Therefore, these people may be recommended for a keto diet, in spite of her insufficient information. A ketogenic diet under the supervision of a doctor but must be practical in situations like this.
Keto diet side effects
The main side effects keto diet beginners encounter – this-flu.
When it comes to ketojenik diet side effects manifest after a long time, his harmony, then among these features:
- monitoring liver oil;
- hypoproteinemia, severe freezing (very low protein in blood);
- kidney stone disease;
- lack of vitamins and minerals.
As practice shows, leads to complications and hospitalization keto diet are often associated with dehydration, electrolyte deficiency in the body, and hypoglycemia.